
Be Boulder works with various qualified trainers.

Below, they introduce themselves:


Hi I am Adrian! I am a Bolivian sports enthusiast and psychologist who fell in love with bouldering a few years back. I have a background on BMX racing which I did at a professional level for more than 15 years, being a national champion multiple times, being on the top 3 ranking in Latin America and participating in world cups. Sports training has been part of my life ever since I can remember, and this knowledge helps me train and motivate students in a fun, effective and relaxed manner. 

Even though climbing has not been part of my life for many years, the immediate love I felt for it has pushed me beyond boundaries to improve at a very fast pace, something I am sure you can do to!! Thanks to being a beginner not so long ago, I freshly remember facing the struggles and challenges that many of you will face, which gives me the advantage to easily put myself in your climbing shoes and understand the difficulties and doubts that you might encounter. 

My passion for bouldering and teaching, as well as my knowledge of sports training and psychology will allow me to help you throughout the initial stages of your bouldering years. Together we will improve your technique, route reading and physique in a fast, creative, and most importantly in an extremely fun way! Hope to see you soon and can’t wait to meet you all!


My name is Loren and I am a huge sports enthusiast. From a young age, I wanted to practice all kinds of sports. My interest ranged from gymnastics, mountain biking, and basketball to squash, soccer, tennis, and bouldering. Bouldering and golf, which I have been practicing since my childhood, are my favorite sports. Therefore, besides my lessons, I spend as much time as possible in the bouldering gym, where I enjoy climbing the wall.

I graduated as a sports teacher and have three years of experience working with children in this sector. In addition, I have given many snowboarding and surfing training sessions, as well as occasional private golf lessons. I find teaching fantastic, and it gives me enormous satisfaction to help people achieve their goals!

In my lessons, I emphasize a structured buildup, taking into account the individual needs and skills of each student. My approach is flexible and adapted to the level of the participants. With my extensive knowledge of various teaching methods, I am able to make each lesson challenging and engaging. My goal is to improve not only the technical skills of my students but also their self-confidence and enjoyment of sports. With my approach and dedication, I work towards the best result for each individual athlete.

I hope to meet you all soon!


Hello! My name is Victor, and I’m from Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Growing up close to nature, I was able to go on many adventures, though I didn’t discover climbing until much later in life. Instead of going up, we would go down mountains by rappelling, wearing rope we knotted into harnesses. Strangely enough, it took me moving to a mostly flat country to find my love for climbing, and I’d like to go back to my home country one day to discover the places I knew from my childhood in a new way.

When I came to Amsterdam in December 2021, a friend invited me to go bouldering with him. Because he moved countries not long after, we never did go together, but the seed was planted and in August that year, I went to Be Boulder for my first solo session. Bouldering quickly became my main workout, and in the span of one and a half years, I went from a beginner to climbing 7a. My first trip to Fontainebleau is planned, and I’m currently taking a lead climbing course - safe to say, bouldering has become a large part of my life. I have gained strength and stamina, perseverance and patience, a lot of new friends, and even a new outlook on life’s challenges. For me, figuring out a route resembles tackling problems we face daily. If you don’t top a route immediately, you try again with a different approach; using different moves, taking rests in between, or asking for advice from people around you. Not being able to top a route does not mean you’re a bad climber - quitting does.

Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced climber, I look forward to meeting you! I hope to be able to help you (re)discover what you can get out of bouldering, how to improve your technique, and make your climbing experience overall more gratifying. See you soon!

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