Yoga for Climbers
"Improve your bodily awareness, mobility, and learn the basic fundamentals of yoga to increase your climbing performance."
About Felix
What fascinates me about both yoga and climbing/bouldering is that the entire body and mind needs to be engaged to perform. Being trained as a psychologist with a specialization in brain and cognition, I am especially interested in how movement of the human body relates to our mental health and how exercise can be used to improve mental and physical wellbeing. I discovered yoga at the age of 19 and have been practicing almost daily since, completing my yoga teacher training in India in 2022. Together with my academic pursuits in neuropsychology, climbing and yoga form the biggest part of my life and it is my life’s goal to study and share the knowledge gained in the process. I am looking forward to joining you on your journey of climbing, movement, and flow.
What we will train
In this 10 week course you will learn the most essential fundaments of yoga, taking you on a step by step journey to explore basic and intermediate mobility and learning how to use yoga to improve your climbing. This course will cover how to warm up correctly before a climbing session, how to work on skill-specific practices to increase mobility and strength, and how to stretch for faster muscle healing.
Another key aspect of any yoga program will be learning how to coordinate movement with breathing, which relates more to the mental/psychological aspect of yoga. Working together with the way of breathing becomes essential when climbing more difficult routes, as it helps us climbers stay calm when needed, or firing up our body if we need more heat to send a particularly physical overhang.
Note that although all levels are welcome, this will be a beginners course focusing on yoga fundamentals. I prefer any student to have strong basics rather than knowing a few flashy advanced poses but doing them with incorrect alignment, risking injury and possible leading to more physical imbalance.
Summary on how yoga can assist your climbing:
- Increased bodily awareness
- Increased mobility & flexibility
- Hightened awareness of breathing
- Faster muscle repair
- Fixing physical imbalances that might lead to injuries later on
- Improving overall recovery from exercise
Praktische informatie:
- De yoga reeks zal bestaan uit 10 lessen
- Start van de reeks zal zijn op maandag 6 maart
- Elke dag van de week zullen er lessen gegeven worden
- De duur van één les bedraagt 60 minuten
- De lestijden variëren per dag
- Tijdens vakanties gaan de lessen niet door
- Het gebruik van eigen matten is niet verplicht, maar is wel prettig met oog op hygiene
- Het gebruik van een handdoek wordt aangeraden
Volwassenen | 10 lessen | € 150 |
Doorloop de volgende stappen om je op te geven voor de aankomende lessenreeks:
- Ga in onderstaande kalender naar de eerste lesweek - dit is de week van 6 maart 2023
- Kies jouw gewenste dag en tijdstip uit
Is de lessenreeks al begonnen dan kan je, mits er plek is, nogsteeds meedoen. Zorg er in dit geval voor dat je het lesmoment kiest in de week waarin je wil starten. Natuurlijk wordt het bedrag naar rato aangepast zodat je alleen voor de lessen betaalt die je afneemt.